Revision History


Description of Modification





First Issue for Comments






Revised according to IEC and SOR9s comments









Executive Summary..................................................................................................................... 1

1.         Basic Contract Information............................................................................................... 6

2.         Noise.............................................................................................................................. 11

3.         Water Quality................................................................................................................. 15

4.         Waste............................................................................................................................. 23

5.         Landfill Gas Monitoring.................................................................................................. 24

6.         Summary of Exceedance, Complaints, Notification of Summons and Prosecutions.......... 28

7.         EM&A Site Inspection..................................................................................................... 30

8.         Future Key Issues........................................................................................................... 31

9.         Conclusions and Recommendations................................................................................ 33



Appendix A                    Master Programme


Appendix B                    Overview of Desalination Plant in Tseung Kwan O


Appendix C                    Summary of Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation

Appendix D                    Impact Monitoring Schedule

Appendix E                    Event/Action Plan


Appendix F                    Water Quality and Landfill Gas Equipment Calibration Certificate

Appendix G                    Water Quality and Landfill Gas Monitoring Data

Appendix H                    Waste Flow Table


Appendix I                     Site Inspection Proforma


Appendix J                     Complaint Log


Appendix K                    Exceedance Report(s)







Executive Summary



A1.  The Project, Design, Build and Operate First Stage of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant (TKODP), is a Designated Project under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) (EIAO) and is currently governed by a Further Environmental Permit (EP No. FEP - 01/503/2015/A) for the construction and operation of the Contract.

A2. In accordance with the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual for the Contract, EM&A works for marine water quality, noise, waste management and ecology should be carried out by Environmental Team (ET), Acuity Sustainability Consulting Limited (ASCL), during the construction phase of the Contract.

A3.  This is the 41st Monthly EM&A Report, prepared by ASCL, for the Contract summarizing the monitoring results and audit findings of the EM&A programme at and around Tseung Kwan O Area 137 (TKO 137) during the reporting period from 1 July to 31 July 2023.

A4. The EM&A programme for this contract has covered environmental monitoring on construction noise level at selected NSRs and Contractor9s environmental performance auditing in the aspects of construction dust, construction noise, water quality, waste management, Landscape and Visual and Ecology.


Summary of Main Works Undertaken & Key Mitigation Measures Implemented

A5. Key activities carried out in this reporting period for the Contract included the followings:


Administration Building

-       Carrying out the floor tiles works at 1/F and 2/F

-        Installation of building services, cable laying, electrical switchboard, doors and handrails

-        Construction of block wall in the pipe duct

Chemical building

-        Installation of permanent doors

-        Underground utility construction work

-        Construction of trunk load pits

Main Electrical & Central Chiller Plant Building

-              Installation of roof tile for fuel tank room, chillers, building services, electrical switchboard and cable laying


-            Underground utility construction work

-            Construction of staircase no 2

-        Erection and dismantling of scaffolding, installation of underdrain media and electrical equipment and installation of access covers on roof


Product Water Storage Tank Building

-        Resin Injection Work & Water Test for 1 Water Tanks

-        Installation of cat ladders in Water Tanks

-        Installation of metal cladding, building services, cable laying, mechanical equipment, steel pipe

-        Underground utility construction

-        Sealing slab opening

OSCG Building

-        Installation of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) Panel and metal door

-        Underground utility construction work

-        Installation of building services, mechanical equipment, metal cladding and roller shutters and window

Reverse Osmosis Building

-        Installation of building services, electrical switchboard, mechanical equipment, steel pipe, Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) pipe and cable laying

-        Installation of metal cladding, handrailing and louvers

-        Underground utility construction work

-        Pipe laying at corridor

Post Treatment Building

-           Installation of Louvres & Windows, cat ladders, handrailing and metal cladding

-           Installation of building services, mechanical equipment and GRP pipe

-            Underground utility construction work

Inspection corridor

-            Construction of roof concrete slab and column and wall

CO2 Tanks

-            Installation of pipes and building services

Combined Shaft and Pump room

-        Underground utility construction work

-        Installation of door, window and louver


Watermain works at CLP 132 kV Substation

Concrete breaking, structure construction of Wave Deflector Wall at seawall area

Foundation and staircases construction at elevated walkway

Foot plinth concreting and barrier erection at flexible barrier



A6.     The ma or environmental impacts brought by the above construction works include:


-         Construction dust and noise generation from construction works, excavation works, rock cutting works and pipe piling driving works;

-       Waste generation from the construction activities; and

-       Impact on water quality from marine construction works and inland construction works.

A7.     The key environmental mitigation measures implemented for the Contract in this reporting period associated with the above construction works include:


-              Dust suppression by regular wetting and water spraying for construction works;

-              Reduction of noise from equipment and machinery on-site and regular inspection to machinery and plants/vehicles on-site to ensure proper functioning;

-              Deployment of temporary silt curtain in the area where marine construction works were conducted and deployment of water sedimentation tanks for treatment of wastewater at inland and marine areas before discharge; and

-              Sorting and storage of general refuse and construction waste; and


Summary of exceedance & investigation & follow-up


A8. No noise monitoring was conducted during the reporting period since there are no Contract -related construction activities undertaken within a radius of 300m from the monitoring locations. No exceedance of the action Level was recorded during the reporting period.

A9. The EM&A works for water quality were conducted during the reporting period in accordance with the EM&A Manual.

A10. Eleven (11) of the general water quality monitoring results of Suspended Solids (SS) obtained had exceeded the Action Level. Nine (9) of the general water quality monitoring results of SS obtained during the reporting period had exceeded the Limit Level.

A11. Investigation on the reason of exceedance has been carried out, where the exceedances of SS on 18 July 2023 were concluded to be unrelated to the Contract as detailed in the Incident Reports on Action Level or Limit Level Non-compliance along with supporting materials in Appendix K.

A12. In this reporting period, 72 times of landfill gas monitoring were conducted at TKO Area 137 (Ch1+340 - Ch1+600). No action or limit level exceedance was recorded during the reporting period.

A13. Joint site inspections of the construction work by ET and IEC were carried out on 4, 11, 18 and 25 July 2023 to audit the mitigation measures implementation status. Observations and reminders were recorded in the site inspection checklists and provided to the contractors together with the appropriate follow-up actions where necessary.


Complaint Handling and Prosecution


A14. No environmental complaint, notification of summons and prosecution was received in the reporting period.


Reporting Change


A15. There was no change to be reported that may affect the on-going EM&A programme.


Summary of Upcoming Key Issues and Key Mitigation Measures


A16. Key activities anticipated in the next reporting period for the Contract will include the followings:


Administration Building

-       Carrying out the floor tiles works at 1/F and 2/F

-       Installation of building services, cable laying, electrical switchboard, doors and handrails

-       Construction of block wall in the pipe duct

Chemical building

-            Installation of permanent doors

-            Underground utility construction work

-            Construction of trunk load pits

Main Electrical & Central Chiller Plant Building

-            Installation of roof tile for fuel tank room, chillers, building services, electrical switchboard and cable laying


-            Underground utility construction work

-            Construction of staircase no 2

-            Erection and dismantling of scaffolding, installation of underdrain media and electrical equipment and installation of access covers on roof

Product Water Storage Tank Building

-       Resin Injection Work & Water Test for 1 Water Tanks

-       Installation of metal cladding, building services, cable laying, mechanical equipment, steel pipe and cat ladders in Water Tanks

-       Underground utility construction

-       Sealing slab opening

OSCG Building

-        Installation of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) Panel and metal door

-        Underground utility construction work

-        Installation of building services, mechanical equipment, metal cladding and roller shutters and window


Reverse Osmosis Building

-       Installation of building services, electrical switchboard, mechanical equipment, steel pipe, Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) pipe and cable laying

-       Installation of metal cladding, handrailing and louvers

-       Underground utility construction work

-       Pipe laying at corridor

Post Treatment Building

-           Installation of Louvres & Windows, cat ladders, handrailing and metal cladding

-           Installation of building services, mechanical equipment and GRP pipe

-            Underground utility construction work

Inspection corridor

-            Construction of roof concrete slab and column and wall

CO2 Tanks

-            Installation of pipes and building services

Combined Shaft and Pump room

-            Underground utility construction work

-            Installation of door, window and louver


-            Watermain works at CLP 132 kV Substation

-            Concrete breaking, structure construction of Wave Deflector Wall at seawall area

-            Foundation and staircases construction at elevated walkway

-            Foot plinth concreting and barrier erection at flexible barrier


A17. The ma or environmental impacts brought by the above construction works will include:


-    Construction dust and noise generation from excavation and construction works;

-    Waste generation from construction activities; and

-    Impact on water quality from marine construction works and inland construction works.

A18. The key environmental mitigation measures for the Contract in the coming reporting period associated with the above construction works will include:


-              Reduction of noise from equipment and machinery on-site;

-              Dust suppression by regular wetting and water spraying for construction works and at main haul road;

-              Sorting and storage of general refuse and construction waste; and

-              Deployment of temporary silt curtain in the area where marine construction works were conducted and deployment of water sedimentation tanks for treatment of wastewater at inland and marine areas before discharge.


1.           Basic Contract Information


1.1.        The Acciona Agua, S.A. Trading, Jardine Engineering Corporation, Limited and China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited as AJC Joint Venture (AJCJV) is contracted to carry out the Design, Build and Operate First Stage of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant (DPTKO) under Contract No. 13/WSD/17 (the Contract).

1.2.        Acuity Sustainability Consulting Limited (ASCL) is commissioned by AJCJV to undertake the Environmental Team (ET) services as required and/or implied, both explicitly and implicitly, in the Environmental Permit (EP), Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report) (Register No. AEIAR-192/2015) and Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual (EM&A Manual) for the Contract; and to carry out the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme in fulfillment of the EIA Report9s EM&A requirements and Contract No. 13/WSD/17 Specification requirements.

1.3.        Pursuant to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the Director of Environmental Protection granted the Environmental Permit (No. EP-01/503/2015) and Variation of Environmental Permit (No. EP-01/503/2015/A) to Water Supplies Department (WSD); and granted the Further Environmental Permit (No. FEP- 01/503/2015/A) to AJCJV for the Contract.

The Reporting Scope

1.4.        This is the 41st Monthly EM&A Report for the Contract which summarizes the key findings of the EM&A programme during the reporting period from 1 July to 31 July 2023.

Contract Organization

1.5.        The Contract Organization structure for Construction Phase is presented in Figure 1.1.



Figure 1.1       Contract Organization Chart


1.6.        Contact details of the key personnel are presented in Table 1.1 below:


Table 1.1        Contact Details of Key Personnel





Telephone no.

Contract Proponent (Water Supplies Department)




Milton Law




Supervising Officer (Binnies Hong Kong Limited)

Pro ect Manager


Christina Ko



Chief Resident Engineer


Roger Wu




The Jardine Engineering Corporation, Limited, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited and Acciona Agua, S.A. Trading

Pro ect Manager

Stephen Yeung



Environmental Monitoring Manager


Brian Kam



Acuity Sustainability Consulting Limited

Environmental Team Leader


Jacky Leung




ANewR Consulting Limited

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)



Chun, Alex




Summary of Construction Works

1.7.        Details of the ma or construction activities undertaken in this reporting period are shown below. The master programme is presented in Appendix A.

1.8.        Key activities carried out in this reporting period for the Contract included the followings:


Administration Building

-        Carrying out the floor tiles works at 1/F and 2/F

-        Installation of building services, cable laying, electrical switchboard, doors and handrails

-        Construction of block wall in the pipe duct

Chemical building

-            Installation of permanent doors

-            Underground utility construction work

-            Construction of trunk load pits

Main Electrical & Central Chiller Plant Building

-            Installation of roof tile for fuel tank room, chillers, building services, electrical switchboard and cable laying



-            Underground utility construction work

-            Construction of staircase no 2

-            Erection and dismantling of scaffolding, installation of underdrain media and electrical equipment and installation of access covers on roof

Product Water Storage Tank Building

-        Resin In ection Work & Water Test for 1 Water Tanks

-        Installation of cat ladders in Water Tanks

-        Installation of metal cladding, building services, cable laying, mechanical equipment, steel pipe

-        Underground utility construction

-        Sealing slab opening

OSCG Building

-        Installation of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) Panel and metal door

-        Underground utility construction work

-        Installation of building services, mechanical equipment, metal cladding and roller shutters and window

Reverse Osmosis Building

-        Installation of building services, electrical switchboard, mechanical equipment, steel pipe, Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) pipe and cable laying

-        Installation of metal cladding, handrailing and louvers

-        Underground utility construction work

-        Pipe laying at corridor

Post Treatment Building

-           Installation of Louvres & Windows, cat ladders, handrailing and metal cladding

-           Installation of building services, mechanical equipment and GRP pipe

-            Underground utility construction work

Inspection corridor

-            Construction of roof concrete slab and column and wall

CO2 Tanks

-            Installation of pipes and building services

Combined Shaft and Pump room

-            Underground utility construction work

-            Installation of door, window and louver


-            Watermain works at CLP 132 kV Substation

-            Concrete breaking, structure construction of Wave Deflector Wall at seawall area

-            Foundation and staircases construction at elevated walkway

-            Foot plinth concreting and barrier erection at flexible barrier


1.9.        A summary of the valid permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for this Contract is presented in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Summary of the Status of Valid Environmental Licence, Notification, Permit and Documentations



Permit/ Licences

Valid Period







Environmental Permit


Throughout the Contract



FEP -01/503/2015/A

Throughout the Contract



Notification of Construction Works under the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation (Form NA)


Throughout the Contract



Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste


Throughout the Contract



Chemical Waste Producer Registration


Throughout the Contract



Wastewater Discharge Licence (Land and Marine works)










For Plant T&C and operation

Construction Noise Permit







1.10.    The status for all environmental aspects is presented in Table 1.3.


Table 1.3 Summary of Status for Key Environmental Aspects under the EM&A Manual




Water Quality

Baseline Monitoring under EM&A Manual

The baseline water quality monitoring was conducted between 12 May 2020 to 6 Jun 2020.

Impact Monitoring




Baseline Monitoring

The baseline noise monitoring result has been reported in Baseline Monitoring Report and

submitted to EPD under EP Condition 3.4

Impact Monitoring





Waste Management

Mitigation Measures in Waste Management Plan


Landfill Gas

Regular Monitoring when construction works are within the 250 m Consultation Zone



Environmental Audit

Site Inspection covering Measures of Air Quality, Noise Impact, Water Quality, Waste, Ecological Quality,

Fisheries, Landscape and Visual




1.11.    Other than the EM&A work by ET, environmental briefings, trainings, and regular environmental management meetings were conducted, in order to enhance environmental awareness and closely monitor the environmental performance of the contractors.


1.12.    The EM&A programme has been implemented in accordance with the recommendations presented in the approved EIA Report and the EM&A Manual. A summary of implementation status of the environmental mitigation measures for the construction phase of the Contract during the reporting period is provided in Appendix C.


2.           Noise

Monitoring Requirements

2.1.        To ensure no adverse noise impact, noise monitoring is recommended to be carried out within 300m radius from the nearby noise sensitive receivers (NSRs), during construction phase. The NSRs selected as monitoring station are (i) NSR4 -Creative Secondary School, ii) NSR24 -LK Laws Foundation College, and (iii) NSR31 -School of Continuing and Professional Studies -CUHK respectively.


2.2.        Construction noise level were measured in terms of the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (LAeq). Leq 30min was used as the monitoring parameter for the time period between 0700 and 1900 on normal weekdays. Construction works would follow stipulations of the valid Construction Noise Permits if works had to be conducted during restricted hours or public holidays. Table 2.1 summarizes the monitoring parameters, frequency, and duration of the impact noise monitoring.

Table 2.1        Noise Monitoring Parameters, Time, Frequency and Duration







Daytime: 0700-1900

Day time: 0700-1900

(during normal weekdays)

Continuously in

Leq 5min/Leq 30min (average of 6 consecutive Leq 5min)


Leq 30min

L10 30min & L90 30min


Monitoring Locations

2.3.        The monitoring locations were normally made at a point 1m from the exterior of the NSRs building facade and be at a position 1.2m above the ground. A correction of +3dB(A) should be made to the free-field measurements.


2.4.        According to the environmental findings detailed in the EIA report and Baseline Monitoring Report, the designated locations for the construction noise monitoring are listed in Table 2.2 below.

Table 2.2        Noise Sensitive Receivers



Noise Sensitive Receivers

Monitoring Location


